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Ranworth is a village in Norfolk, England in The Broads, adjacent to Malthouse Broad and Ranworth Broad.
The 14th century church of St. Helen's has a fine 15th century painted rood screen and a rare Antiphoner. It is a Grade I listed building. From the top of Ranworth church's 100 ft tall tower one can see many of the broads and rivers.
Originally, the small communities and farm of the entire area were known collectively as Bastwick (lower inlet). As they grew, they each took an individual name. No-one seems to have any idea who dreamed up "Ranworth" because it seems to have no particular local connection. A worth was normally a plot of land adjacent to a dwelling so maybe it was owned by someone called "Ran" or similar. An alternative is that it was a garden at the edge which could make sense as it was close to the river bank. The name is relatively modern.
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