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Zamosc is a historical city in southeastern Poland. It is situated in the southern part of Lublin Voivodeship (since 1999), about 90 km (56 mi) from Lublin, 247 km (153 mi) from Warsaw. In 2014, the population was 65,149.
The historical centre of Zamosc was added to the World Heritage List in 1992, following a decision of the sixteenth ordinary session of the World Heritage Committee, held between 7 and 14 December 1992 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States; it was recognized for being "a unique example of a Renaissance town in Central Europe".
Zamosc is about 20 kilometres (12 miles) from the Roztocze National Park.
The Old Town and the remnants of the old Zamosc Fortress constitute an urban complex inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Zamosc hosts the following cultural events: concerts of music performed by the Karol Namyslowski Symphonic Orchestra in Zamosc and by Polish artists representing different kinds of music, Zamosc Days of Music (Zamojskie Dni Muzyki) and International Meetings of Jazz Singers (Miedzynarodowe Spotkania Wokalistów Jazzowych), which is a tribute to Mieczyslaw Kosz, a great blind jazz player and composer who used to combine his jazz music with the Polish folk.
Jazz na Kresach is a very popular annual music festival that dates back to 1982 and has been held since. The festival is organised in Zamosc Old Town by the Zamosc Jazz Club to commemorate Mieczyslaw Kosz.
The Zamosc Festival of Mark Grechuta aims at commemorating his works. He was a composer, singer and poet. The festival has already taken place 3 times: 7-8 September 2007, 6-7 September 2008, 4-6 September 2009. The laureates of the competition and various well-known musicians sang at this festival. The festival is held in Zamosc Great Market.
In addition, there are the open-air performances of the Zamosc Summer Theatre (Zamojskie Lato Teatralne) and the annual "EUROFOLK" International Folk Festival. There are the Summer Film Academy and the "SACROFILM" International Religious Film Days.
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