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Mundaka is known as one of the most important places of the Lordship of Biscay, it was the birthplace of Jaun Zuria, the first Lord of Biscay, son of the Scottish princess who arrived in Mundaka escaping from an English King. The name of the town has Danish origin, it has been proven that the Vikings arrived there 900 years ago. According to the history of the Lordship, Mundaka has the oldest temple of Biscay, as a result, it has the first seat of the General Parliament.
The port is in the center point of the town, from there the old part of the town grew. All the houses are medieval, fishermen's houses, always looking to the sea.
The anteiglesia of Mundaka was already mentioned in the year 1051 in the donation of the Dominion of Biscay to the Monastery of San Millan de la Cogolla and in 1070 in the donation of the aforementioned church to the Monastery of San Juan de la Peña.
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