Gyula is located in the Great Hungarian Plain on the River Fehér-Körös, 235 km (146 mi) southeast from Budapest and 5 km (3 mi) from the border with Romania. The Békéscsaba-Gyula-Kötegyán railway line and Highway 44 also cross the town. Highway 44 is a four-lane expressway between Gyula and the county seat Békéscsaba.
Tourist attractions include:
- Gyula Castle (Gyulai vár)
- Thermal bath (Gyulai gyógyfurdo)
- 100-year-old confectionery (100 éves cukrászda)
- Town hall, 1861 (Városháza)
- Birth house of Ferenc Erkel (Erkel Ferenc szuloháza)
- Saint Michael Cathedral, 1825 (Szent Miklós katedrális)
- Roman Catholic church, 1775-1777 (RĂ³mai katolikus templom)
- Roman Catholic chapel, 1738-1752, (Római katolikus kápolna)