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Bartin is a city in northern Turkey and the central district of the province of Bartin.
Formerly a district of Zonguldak Province, Bartin was made into a province seat in 1991 with the constitution of its province, including four districts: Central Bartin, Amasra, Kurucasile, and Ulus. The city, with a population of c. 48,000, is situated 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) inland on the Bartin River (Bartin Çayi) that is navigable for vessels between the city and the Black Sea coast. Bartin River is the only navigable river for vessels in Turkey.
Bartin is a member of the Norwich-based European Association of Historic Towns and Regions (EAHTR).
Main sights include the castle, two churches, bedesten, the Kuskayasi Road Monument and Inziva (seclusion) Cave in the city center. Sections of the ancient city like the forum, the council palace, the road of honor, the theatre, the acropolis, and a necropolis are now below the ground.
The wooden Bartin houses display the architectural characteristics of the art movements after the Tanzimat Fermani (Reforms Decree).
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