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Dillenburg |
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Dillenburg, officially Oranienstadt Dillenburg, is a town in Hesse's Gießen region in Germany. The town was formerly the seat of the old Dillkreis district, which is now part of the Lahn-Dill-Kreis.
The town lies on the German-Dutch holiday road called the Orange Route, joining towns, cities and regions associated with the House of Orange-Nassau, as well as on the German Timber-Frame Road and the Rothaarsteig hiking trail.
Dillenburg lies on the eastern edge of the Westerwald range in the narrow valley of the river Dill, which flows from Hesse-Westphalia border to Wetzlar, emptying into the Lahn.
Culture and sightseeing:
- Wilhelmsturm (tower) with the Orange-Nassau Museum
- "Villa Grün" museum of economic history
- The "Casemates", old defensive structures.
- Hessisches Landgestüt (Hessian State Stud Farm) with coach museum in the Orangery. "Living Museum" about the horse.
- The "Casemates", old defensive structures.from the 16th century
- The Evangelische Town Church from 1491
- The Dillturm (tower) from 1597
- The old rectory from 1531-1533
- The Untertor (Lower Gate) from 1344 (alterations in 1594 and 1737)
- Manderbach Church
- Donsbach Wildlife Park
- Brineworks and healing spring, Eibach
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