A picturesque hamlet on the Brathay...one mile from Ambleside on the Coniston road...beneath Loughrigg Fell.
Back in the 16th century Clappersgate would have been classified as a port. The port today is a boat house and harbour of 'The croft' - a large house built around 1850 for a Liverpool merchant, accompanied by many picturesque houses and cottages. At the entrance to the stables there was once a vagrant's whipping post.
Just over Brathay Bridge the house called 'Old Brathay' has many literary associations. In the Middle Ages it was a farm named 'Low Brathay'. In 1880 the property was owned by Charles Lloyd, a friend of Wordsworth. Lloyd often entertained Wordsworth, along with Coleridge, Southey, even Constable, the artist.