Colton is a parish with church some two miles from Greenodd, whilst Oxen Park is a village. Between the two they cover an area of land spreading from Windermere to the east and Coniston Water to the west.
Holy Trinity Church stands on the top of the hill at Colton, with the old village school alongside. At this point, a panorama of the fells and mountains is worth seeing.
One mile south of Colton is an old Baptist church at Tottleband which was founded in 1669 under the Act of Uniformity. Historians will know that Charles II decreed that non-conformists could not worship within five miles of a corporate town. This Tottlebank is just five miles from the market town of Ulverston.
Colton Old Hall was the home of the Sandys family in the 17th century, and is just a half mile south-east of town.
Oxen Park village consists of little more than a farm and a few dwellings. The old blacksmith's shop still survives, and many of the properties date back to the 18th century and before. Investigation here will uncover a cockpit dating from cock-fighting days.
On the edge of the village is newer house which was originally the poor house housing vagrants and tramps, together with homeless individuals.