Relatively plain amid much loveliness, encircled by lofty hills and sheltering under the fine height of Bradwell Edge, it is all very old, lying near the Batham Gate, the Roman road which ran from Brough to Buxton.
In its busy lead-mining days it found the Bagshaw cavern, with fine crystalline formations. A flight of 130 steps leads visitors down to grottos of outstanding beauty.
Adventure caving is available for the hardy, allowing beginners to see what it is all about, and the opportunity to try climbing and scrambling, descend a real pothole and visit an underground river.
Reached through a short avenue of limes is the plain little 19th century church, with good moderrn oak in the chancel. At the south end of Bradwell Dale, the mile-long gorge with towering cliffs sheer on each side, is Hazelbadge Hall, a 16th century farmhouse, one of the oldest in Derbyshire, with the arms of the Vernons on a gable. It was part of the dowry Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall brought to her husband Sir John Manners.
The scenery hereabouts is most impressive...wild crags and overhanging rocks view with one another to gain attention. Yet another village in Derbyshire which has a well dressing ceremony.