One comes to Longford across the spacious park, seeing the graceful facade of the Hall. It is partly Tudor, but was much altered about 1700 and damaged by fire in 1942.
There is also a splendid 15th century tower of a beautiful church set in magnificent limes, with a great yew and a great beech.
All that is left of the Norman church are the three bays of the north arcade with round arches and pillars, three pillars of the south arcade, and the bowl of the font which fell from grace as a cattle trough but was restored in 1897 and returned to the church. A great treasure of the church is the oak pulpit, on which a modern craftsman has set in canopied niches little figures carved with exquisite detail: St Aidan is with a book, St Chad with a model of Lichfield Cathedral, and Bede writing.