Coal has changed this border village, but it gave its name to what is now a rare china.
The fame of Pinxton china was largely due to the beautiful paintings of flowers by William Billingsley, who came here from the porcelain works at Derby. Billingsley was a practival potter, and his recipe enabled the factory, founded in 1796 by John Coke, to flourish for a few years. Then he left,and the quality of Pinxton ware deteriorated so much that in 1813 the factory was closed, leaving to Pinxton the name of some lovely works of art.
Tradition tells us that Pinxton belonged for a time to the Clifford family, and that here was born a daughter who was to become Fair Rosamund, the mistress of Henry II. Their house was near the church.
The church, standing high, is a relatively plain building mostly rebuilt in the middle of the 18th century and enlarged in 1939.